Wo ist der Haken ?

AW: Wo ist der Haken ?

Harry3005 schrieb:
Wie immer .. ein Fake

Jo, wie Harry schon sagte... FAKE FAKE FAKE :b :b

Schon allein der reale Ortsname und die Telefonnummer sagen ja schon alles :t .

Die von dem angeblichen Verkäufer geforderte Anzahlung kannst Du auch gleich per Western Union an mich schicken. Ich lade Dich dann zum Trost auch zu einem Cafe ein. Allerdings ist dies dann Dein teuerster Cafe aller Zeiten :b
AW: Wo ist der Haken ?


hier die Antwort des "Händlers":

Hello ,

Thank you for your interest in purchasing my car.
The vehicle is in good condition, has no technical damage at all, no
scratches or dents, no hidden defects, kept in our own garage,remaining
My father, who died 1 month ago was the first owner of the car. I must inform you that currently I'm in UK. I didn't bring it here with
me because the car's steering wheel is on the left side, and so it's
difficult driving it around the UK.
The car is now located at the Autoscout24 warehouse in Hamburg,
Deutschland.The car will be shipped and insured by Autoscout24.
Autoscout24 will act as a 3rd party for our transaction. You will not
have to pay additional taxes for this.
To be able to receive or pick up the car you'll have to make a
7000 euro deposit. After you make the payment you will have to send to
Autoscout24 the transfer details for validating the shipping. The transfer details
will then become confidential and they will release them only after you receive the
car and you are fully satisfied with it.
After you inspect the car if anything seems wrong you'll be able to
receive a refund from Autoscout24.
Please send me your full name and shipping address to forward them to
Autoscout24. They will contact you with more details.
Thanks for your interest, please feel free to email me any questions or
concerns you may have.


Nepper, Schlepper, Bauernfänger :T
AW: Wo ist der Haken ?


mache Dir folgendes Winter-Angebot, dass sogar besser ist wie der ausl.Verkäufers. Anstatt 7.000 Euro musst Du mir nur 2.500 Euro... ach was sage ich, 3.499 Euro (per WU) schicken :b . Du spartst dabei unglaubliche 50%. Waaaahnsinn oder? Bitte vergesse nicht die Tasse Cafe, die Du bei mir noch gratis obendrauf bekommst.

Na, ist das nichts? :b :b :b

Oben Unten